News & Events

ΤΣΑΤΣΑΚΗΣ: Tastes Right out of Crete!

The traditional, handmade rusks Tsatsakis are in Cyprus. For the past 18years, Tsatsakis has been teaching Cretan culture and history through their flavors, in Greece and abroad. Using Cretan traditions and raw materials from Greek soil, Tsatsakis produces rusks excellent

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Perrier HAB 360 Activation

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Zivana Loel cocktails

Cyprus #1 zivania –Zivana Loel – suggests new ways of consumption through cocktails! Zivana Loel has asked from 5 local bartenders to create cocktails with Zivana Loel and Zivana Loel Gold. The videos show the step by step preparation method

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Blood Drive at Laiko Cosmos

As part of corporate social responsibility, the company Laiko Cosmos Trading Ltd held a voluntary blood donation on Wednesday, June 1 2016. 31 employees took place in this donation, who successfully boosted this blood drive effort. The company aims for

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Deal Laiko-Cosmos με τις Βρετανικές Βάσεις

Η εμπορική εταιρεία αναλαμβάνει τα προϊόντα στα duty free των Βάσεων   Συμβόλαιο τετραετούς διάρκειας για προμήθεια και εμπορία αδασμολόγητων ειδών που πωλούνται στα καταστήματα των Βρετανικών Βάσεων, υπέγραψε η εμπορική εταιρεία Laiko Cosmos με την εταιρεία Sodexo Cyprus Ltd,

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